Parasites in the human body: causes, symptoms and treatment

the appearance of parasites in the body

No one is immune from the occurrence of parasites, because we are always in touch with the environment. However, you need to understand that their timely detection and treatment is important, as they can cause many other diseases.

Parasites eat the cells and tissues of the body, take in all the nutrients and nutrients and vitamins that are useful, they also poison the whole body with its waste products.

How do you know if you are infected with a parasite?

A person can live without knowing that he is a carrier of parasites for a long time.Key symptoms include:

  1. Persistent fatigue and irritability;
  2. Flatulence and constant bloating;
  3. Normal nausea and loss of appetite;
  4. Rapid weight loss or weight gain for no particular reason;
  5. Appearance of various types of rashes and abscesses on the skin;
  6. Recurrent pain in joints and muscles.

These are the main symptoms, but there aremany secondary symptomsthat may indicate body poisoning. Therefore, as soon as you experience these symptoms, you should see a doctor.

If you come across a parasite, you should do a thorough survey. This is important to determine the cause of the infection and the area that may be affected.

Amazingly, the symptoms and treatment of parasites in the human body are interrelated, so only a doctor can prescribe the medication you need.

Where can pests be localized?

where parasites live in the body

more than 300 speciesparasites, ranging from the smallest, microscopic, to large worms, which can reach several meters, can live inside a person. Some people think that parasites can only live in the large intestine, but this is far from the problem. In fact, they can be found in any part of the body: in the eyes, muscles, liver, throat or heart. It should be noted that helminths can inhabit and grow in the body of adults for decades, as they can adapt to different conditions.

Could there be pests in human muscles?

Of course they can. Often muscles are affected by a type of parasitic infection such as trichinosis. These are worms that can infect humans and animals. The main path of infection is the intake of poorly processed or contaminated raw meat.

What types of parasitic organisms are there?

Some groups can be distinguished:

  1. First, there are worms. These include worms, cream worms and ringworms.
  2. Second, the simplest parasites are chlamydia, lamblia and intestinal Trichomonas.
  3. Third, this is a parasite in the form of a fungus - candida.
  4. Fourth, it is a bacterium. These types include Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus.
  5. Fifth, it is a virus. This category includes herpes virus, smallpox or influenza virus.

How can parasites enter the body of a healthy adult?

There aremany different ways of infection. Most common:

  1. By eating contaminated food or water. Sometimes food can be contaminated before cooking or during improper storage. Therefore, meat and fish must be properly processed to kill all unwanted organisms.
  2. Infection through the path of domestic relations. It should be noted that parasites can be transmitted from one person to another, or through contact with pets. Therefore, you should monitor your pet's personal hygiene and hygiene carefully.
  3. You can also be infected by contagion. That is, infections can occur through blood-sucking insects.

It should be noted the fact that the larvae of some parasitic organisms can freely enter the human body. A striking example is the larvae on skin flies.

Which doctor treats parasites and how to diagnose them?

which treats parasites

After identifying the symptoms of the presence of parasites, you cansee a specialist doctor- this is a parasitologist. This specialist is usually referred by a general practitioner. But if you are sure that there are parasites in your body, then you can contact directly.

As for the diagnostic method, you can donate feces for testing, but the results may not be completely reliable, because if the test is done when the parasite has laid the larvae, then the analysis may not show its presence. Then you have to give up again.

The most widely tested and reliable method is theblood test. With the help of such a diagnosis, it is possible to prove the presence of antibodies produced by the body to fight parasites independently.

The latest approach in diagnosis is vegetative resonance testing. This method provides the calculation of electromagnetic oscillations that can be made by parasitic organisms.

What is the effect of parasites on the body of an adult? First of all, they interfere with the work of almost all organs, including the heart. This is due to the fact that parasites cause inflammatory processes that actively destroy tissues and cells.

For normal growth and function, parasites use all the nutrients that come with food.

Treatment and prevention of parasites: basic tips

Medical treatment involves several stages:

  • Setup. At this stage, doctors recommend taking sorbents and enzyme preparations. The main thing is to cleanse the body well and relieve symptoms that indicate intoxication. To do this, you should take special medication, the dose and the time of its admission should be determined by the doctor, as these are all purely individual.
  • Direct deodorization. This is the main stage of therapy. Patients must take medication, however, it should be understood that they are highly toxic. Therefore, should not exceed the dose, as various consequences can arise. To date, scientists have developed drugs aimed at a single dose. In addition to synthetic drugs, you can also use supplements that can treat parasites well and have almost no side effects.
  • Recovery. Pills that help fight parasites are very toxic. Therefore, after undergoing primary treatment, probiotics should be taken, which will help restore normal function of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, you should also take general vitamin complexes and hepatoprotectors, which will help restore normal function of the liver and gallbladder. And you should also take care of heart health, which can also be affected.

People's solution

folk remedies for parasites

There are alsofolk remediesthat will help cleanse the body of parasites. These include: carnations, wormwood and green walnut shells. People call such a drug triad. In addition, the following methods are used to fight parasites:

  • garlic with kefir.
  • onion infusion.
  • wormwood tincture.

However, it is better to see a doctor, who will choose the right treatment depending on the type of parasite and individual characteristics. Treatment directly depends on where the parasite is found, either the specific throat or muscle.

Prevention of parasites in humans

There aresome simple precautionary rulesthat will help you live and not think of parasites. These include:

  1. Maintain personal hygiene.
  2. Minimize contact with street animals.
  3. Keep your pet clean.
  4. Do wet cleaning in the apartment as often as possible.
  5. Wash food thoroughly before eating.
  6. Perform complete thermal processing of food products, especially in relation to fish and meat.
  7. Do not use untreated water.

How common are worms and other parasites?

According to scientists,almost every 4 peopleare infected with worms. Children become more often infected, as they are more often in contact with the infected environment. It is a worm and a dangerous organism that can cause a variety of chronic diseases. These include gastritis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis. It should be noted that in the human body they can survive for many years, while continuing to reproduce.

As a result, it should be emphasized that it is impossible to answer explicitly the question of what to drink from parasites. Once you have identified some symptoms, you should immediately see a doctor who will help you choose the right treatment. In addition, it is very important to do preventive maintenance on a regular basis, especially if you have small children and animals at home.

Never self-medicate, as only a specialist can choose the most harmless and effective medicine.